Honicknowle Commnet ltd was set up and established by the local community 25 years ago and many who helped establish it are still involved including several board members. Commnet stands for "community networking" and we look quite different to how we first started due to changes of need within the area and reacting to them. Those attending our projects support the shape and direction of them: we liaise well with community members due to our location which is the heart of Honicknowle Green alongside our track record of establishing effective relationships with those we work with. Historically, Honicknowle and the wider North West were very territorial of their own areas, however, over recent years our organisation has supported the wider North West and broken many barriers and delivered work to many who share similar struggles and enabled relationships to develop around mutual interests.
The centre we work from is called The Phoenix centre (Honicknowle Commnet ltd) as we provide opportunities for people to re build thier lives; rise again and create strong foundations. To do this they need a place they know; trust and can thrive.
Our organisation is located in the heart of Honicknowle within a residential area situated near high rise flats and local shops. Our aim is (as our mission statement says)
"To promote the voice of and to improve the health and wellbeing of children; young people and the community". We deliver well- being support groups; one to one case work, a foodbank, alongside support groups for parents whose children have disabilities/ additional needs. Including in this we work with young people who struggle with mainstream education and face vulnerabilities within the community due to ADHD/ Autism or other social anxieties. We have a track record of early intervention work; targeted support alongside established relationships with young people and their families.