REACH OUT, aims to bring the community together, ensuring those most in need are able to access support during this specific time. The support given, includes face to face provision, a food bank service, both mobile and centre based delivery and digital support.
Food bank sessions and support drop ins run on Thursday mornings from 10-30 to 12.30, if you require outreach service please contact us so we can ensure correct measures are put in place.
FUSION is a three year funded programme from children in need. Sessions run twice weekly for 2 hours each. One group focusing on young males ages 13-16 years of age on Monday Evenings 3.30 till 5.30, the other young females aged 13-16 years of age on a Tuesday evening 3.30 till 5.30. One to one work is available and arranged as needed. Further activities include team building trips with mixed group members- a focus will be on boundaries, team work and communication. Aims of the project will work towards; improving resilience, reduce exploitive behaviour and promote confidence and empowerment. Sessions focus on young people being able to access support, guidance and opportunities to feel empowered and make safe decisions and to respect their own needs; online safety, offending behaviours, running away, target groups and new relationships. There will be themes and workshops including "push, pull and control factors" regarding exploitation, how to stay safe and how to report anything, with opportunities to work with different organisations/ guest speakers as part of a workshop. This project will also enable young people to understand each other and communicate effectively.
OASIS- Parents Café (Outreach 4 Autism Support and Information sharing) is a new project for parents/carers whose children have Autism or additional needs, or are yet to have it recognized. The session runs every Monday morning from 9.30-11.30am, and provides a space where you can come along to share or start your journey, find out more information, invite speakers on topics that are important to you.
Being a parent/carer to a child with ASD/ ADHD or any additional needs can be isolating but it doesn't have to be. Equally many children can struggle with their emotions and can get overwhelmed and this too is a space for you to come and have something for you. There are many benefits to coming along such as; realising you are not alone, sharing your thoughts and frustrations and ideas, learning how to cope; hear how others are doing and share feelings with people who understand, whilst providing suggestions and being a part of something positive.
The TYLA project stands for Turn your life around, and one to one sessions are delivered on a Tuesday morning 9.30- 11.30, with group sessions on a Thursday from 3 till 5pm. Youth work sessions focus on positive activities including; global cuisine(cooking sessions from foods around the world and competitions); team games and workshops. Sessions also include activities based on areas of interest from the young people such as football nights, netball and dance. We also have available arts and crafts alongside sensory activities. We have planned visits to our local fire stations, police stations where young people can feel inspired and gain a better understanding of each others, job roles and trusting adults. The difference this project makes to young people involves developing confidence and self worth, improve their personal and social skills; raise aspirations alongside reducing the risk of anti social behaviour particularly for those already involved in it.
Project Funders
Fusion is funded via CHILDREN IN NEED